One of the profound outcomes is greater personal motivation and aspirations focused on contribution. These are then easily aligned with organisational purpose and mission, or entrepreneurial pursuit
Accompanied by appropriate company intent and behaviour, they prepare the ground for accepting principles of common purpose and common fate.
All of the programmes get participants to see any organisation, whether an employer or prospective employer, and even their own business, as a means to make a contribution, creating purpose and meaning beyond self-gain.
Switching focus from reward to contribution has a fundamental impact throughout, including improved and more sustainable rewards; at a personal and organisational level.
In addition to those already mentioned…
Powerfully motivational
Familiarising and understanding company figures. (Either actual, indexed, on a sector or country basis).
Facilitates explanation of other accounts and critical company issues, bonus schemes or ESOPS.
Gives context for all other training.
Promotes stakeholder cohesion, making employees feel part of the business and their role in its destiny.
Non-threatening to labour.
Fits in with integrated reporting.
Written from an employee perspective to enhance an understanding of the contribution of labour to the creation of wealth.
Creates positive employee feedback on increasing wealth creation and improving customer care and service.
And many more (see information material in the downloads below.)